About Us

Thank you for stopping by and taking a peek at our blog. We hope you follow us and watch how we enhance the beauty, learn about its history, and most of all love this 1903 brick American Foursquare/ Prairie Box in Rockford, Illinois . It’s nestled in the Churchill Grove community, which is full of architectural charm. We can’t wait to give you a glimpse!

My husband I just Just married in December of 2018. Here we are 8 months later delving into our second big adventure together! Don’t know where this is going to take us, but we are excited to get started!

How Did I Get Here?

Life has always been a struggle, but man who’s life isn’t?! I owe so much too many strong individuals in my life and at some point soon I will talk a little bit about each of them as I feel in one way or another, they were or have been on this journey with me.

I’m 48 years old and buying my first home! Although I’m all grown up this is the my first real grown up thing I’m doing! This is where you’re thinking…huh?! I’ve done the car thing, student loan thing, credit card thing etc…but in my 20’s I attempted to buy a house with my first husband and it didn’t work so well! His credit was not very good and mine was just fair so we were immediately shut down and denied. With the help of his mom and grandmother they purchased the house for us and we began making that house our home.

That home was ours for 2 years and then troubled times fell upon us. He lost his job and struggled with addictions to drugs and alcohol. I found myself starting the long process of selling the house and ending the marriage with a divorce.

My journey was a long one after that! Raising (at that time) a 6yr old as a single mom, building a career, going back to school, starting a business, closing that business, relationships, friendships, making bad choices, making good choices….FINDING MYSELF! All of this took me what seemed like an eternity, but 15 long years after FINDING MYSELF, life jut started to fall into place. I consider myself lucky! Most people spend a lifetime searching and trying to be in a place I am today! Some people don’t even achieve it. Here I am today, grateful, fortunate, in love, and ready to start the next chapter of my journey! I know that there will be hard days, bad days, good days, and days full of challenges! I will wake up each day full of gratitude to make each day count!

For all of those who said I couldn’t and wouldn’t amount to anything….Here I am stronger then ever!

Happy move in day to my husband and I. Most of all happy milestone accomplishment to me! August 30th, 2019


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